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Office of the Special Education Ombud

The Office of the Special Education Ombud provides comprehensive information, resources, and support to public school students and families navigating the special education system in New Mexico.

What does the OSEO do?

  • Support parents of students with disabilities to help them understand and navigate the special education system
  • Attend and assist families with individualized education program meetings
  • Provide information about state and federal laws and regulations governing special education
  • Empower students and parents to develop effective strategies to resolve their issues and concerns
  • Promote collaboration and positive communication between families, schools, and district personnel
  • Provide information about available resoures that serve individuals with disabilities, and assist with referrals to advocacy groups
  • Collect, analyze, and report special education data
  • Make recommendations to NMPED, the Governor's office, the Legislature, school districts, and other governmental entities to address systemic concerns and noncompliance with special education laws and regulations

Annual Reports

To see what the Office of the Special Education Ombud has accomplished in its second year, read their annual reports for:




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Call the OSEO intake and information line: (505) 841-4565

Contact the Special Education State Ombud:


Meet the Special Education State Ombud

Michelle Tregembo, the Special Education State Ombud, is standing outdoors with leafy foliage in the background.  She is smiling, has long blond hair, and is wearing a teal blouse and silver necklace.

Michelle Tregembo is a native New Mexican and has lived in NM her entire life. She graduated from Los Lunas high school and earned both her bachelors and masters degrees from the University of New Mexico. Michelle was a public school educator for 25 years and taught multiple subjects in different districts K-12, including teaching special education in a variety of small group and inclusion settings. For several years she was a Peer Assistance and Review teacher K-12 for APS. Prior to joining OSEO, Michelle served as an administrator for 7 years, overseeing Special Education, SAT, 504, testing, and the overall wellbeing of over 500 students a year. 

Michelle earned her Exceptional Needs Specialist certificate through the National Board for Professional Teaching Standards in 2001, renewed in 2011 and again in 2021. Renewal requires teaching in a classroom, reflection, and growth. She has supported hundreds of teachers through their national board journey.

She has two adult children, a son who is a salesman, and a daughter who is a special education teacher at a charter school in Albuquerque. Her mother was an educator for 30 years, and her brother is an English teacher at a private school in Albuquerque. She has two rescues, a dachshund and a Great Dane.

Core Values

Open Mindedness
Focus on Abilities


A. Establish the Office of Special Education Ombud as a trusted, student-focused resource that offers services to students and families in all school districts in New Mexico.

B. Assist students in special education, their parents, teachers, and other school personnel to remove barriers and ensure students receive an appropriate, inclusive, supported education.

C. Identify systemic issues in special education and report them to the DDC, PED, the Legislature, and the Governor on a regular basis.

D. Advocate for systemic change in special education.